
Showing posts from February, 2018

Texture Part Two

For this part of the wall texture, we make sure add the roughness noticeable. Mainly adding cracks or bumps to make it look old. We also create the substance to for the inside of the wall, the mortar. The first step is to making sure the mortars are visible, and make a dent to the brick portions making it look ike the bricks are poking out. Even add some details to make it look old. By the end of the finishing up the texture, you need to create a color, height, and roughness, to be exported. You need to export it just in case if you need to move to a new computer or when you need to edit or add textures in substance painter.

Texture Part One

For this class, we learned how to create textures using Substance Designer. Our assignment was to create a wall texture. I nailed the wall itself, but I had issues with the color. When it came to create the wall, there are multiple steps into creating textures. In Designer, it is technical to create them and it's best to keep organize. The first step is to create the shape the brick themselves. The first step is to make the shape of the brick, making them able to blend shadows. To make the repeat patterns, you put in the generator to create the tiles. You can also add the design of damage to bricks, either by cracks or dust. For adding colors to it is quite special. There is a way to repeat the color of the reference photo, by simply dragging and clicking, but there was a problem for me. When I try to extract the color, it went black and getting anything. So I try to make it look old with a green taste. You can also add dust to give it an old feeling.

UV Mapping Part Two

I finished the UV mapping and here is the result. The inspiration for the Unwrapping comes from these photos: Plus my entire photo reference is in this link of my pinterest.